Updates to Tagboard Producer Dashboard

Tagboard Producer UI Screenshot with updates
Tagboard Producer Dashboard

Tagboard Producer has received a new & improved layout to help save you time! Let’s run through a few of the updates so you’re comfortable navigating the dashboard.

A quick look at the Tagboard Producer updates

  • Pin frequently used productions for quick access.
  • See who is working in each production in real-time & when productions are updated for improved remote collaboration.
  • Never accidentally delete a production again! Restore deleted productions for up to 30 days.
Tagboard Producer gets updates: GIF illustration of UX/UI
Favorite a production with one click

Dive Deeper on the Producer Dashboard

Creating a New Production:

Click ‘New Production’ in the upper right corner. If you are a part of multiple Tagboard teams, select which account you’d like to create the production within. The title of your production must be between 4 and 60 characters. You also have the options to star your production and add tags.

Starring a Production

This will pin a production to the top of your production dashboard, to allow for quick access to frequently used productions.

Production Details

Clicking on any production will open the details panel on the right side of your screen. Here you can see production details including who is working in a production in real-time, to allow for easy remote collaboration.

Tagboard Producer production details

Deleting a Production

To delete a production, click on the production to open the production details panel. Click the three dots in the upper right corner, and select ‘Delete’. Deleted Productions will be archived for 30 days before they are permanently deleted.

To restore a deleted production during that timeframe, click on ‘Deleted Productions’. Select the production you’d like to restore and click ‘Restore Production’ in the details panel.

Restoring a deleted production

If you’re new to Tagboard and need guidance on how to use Tagboard Producer on your next production click here and we’ll show you the ropes.